Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Maximizing The Use Of Social Media For Your Online Marketing

There are so many types of social media that businesses can take advantage of for their marketing efforts

Published on June 23, 2009

by Lawrence Perry



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A lot has been written about the wonders of Facebook and Twitter to reach a very wide audience on the internet. But experienced and effective online marketers know that there are so many more websites and applications that can help enhance the online marketing efforts of a company. Although there are millions of users on Twitter and on Facebook there are many more users online that are not part of these 2 networks. Twitter and Facebook do not comprise social media- there are so many more services out there that can help you make the right connections and build a good reputation online.

There are so many channels online that you can use to develop business and personal connections with people. It is best to get on as much networks as you can because while there are millions of people on Twitter, there are still millions more that have not caught on. There are still millions of people who do not see the value of Facebook and Twitter and simply get information and connect with people through blogs and other websites. If you do not engage these other people that are on the other networks then you are not maximizing the benefits that you can gain from social media marketing.

Aside from Twitter and Facebook, companies can also use the following channels to engage prospective clients: LinkedIn, Plurk, MySpace, Forums and so much more. The world of Internet Marketing is a big -and dynamic world. A company must really be fully-committed to building strong networks in several of these networks so that they can fully take advantage of social media.

One of the best ways to reach people online is through blogging. Blogging can definitely help companies generate and ‘broadcast’ meaningful content to users. What’s good about blogging is that it can have a more informal tone than a company website. The blog can be more personal and help appeal to the emotional side of the audience. Developing blogs with good content can also help attract traffic to a company’s main website.

Another way companies can connect to more people online is through photo-sharing websites. Photos are fantastic ways of transmitting ideas and messages. Companies should also consider sharing videos online. There are so many companies that receive free publicity through videos that they produced that have become viral. When people like a video, a photo or an article they usually share them with their friends and family. This means that a single video or photo you upload can reach millions of people.

Companies can also utilize forums to communicate with people online. Companies should remember that the more communication channels they use, the more people they can reach and influence.

Follow me on Twitter: @CatchFriday

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