Do you want more customers? There are two approaches. One approach you might expect and the other is seldom mentioned. Traditionally when you want more customers, you work on your marketing and sales strategy. I recently worked with a business that had not shown any growth over the last several years. Together we worked on their sales and marketing strategy which did not increase their sales at all.. Because we needed to try something different, we worked on improving their customer's experience. As a result, sales increased 15% per month which have deposited an additional $64,000/month into their bank account. Based on this experience, I recommend that you work on improving your customer’s experience.
Your Customer’s Buying Experience
Ask yourself, "What is it like to be my customer?" What else can you do to guide your customers through the four steps of the buying process?
Customer Buying Process
1. Awareness
2. Consideration
3. Purchase
4. Loyalty
It is important to understand what your customers want and expect from your business. Based on what customers want you can begin to create your own vision for what you want for your customers. Your marketing, advertising, promotions, and word-of-mouth help customers through the first two steps of the process, awareness and consideration. Once customers come in contact with you, there is an opportunity to help them with the third step of the process of purchasing. Their purchasing experience and any follow up you do after the sale will help them decide if they will go to the fourth step of the process which is loyalty. So, how do you create a customer experience that brings them back for more and will get them to talk about you to everyone they know?
Create a Customer Experience Map
On a piece of paper or a whiteboard, chart out the journey of your customer’s buying experience. List it out step by step. Then with help of employee’s, friends, and key customers determine ways to make your customer’s experience better. According to the book “Raving Fans” by Ken Blanchard the key is consistency. You want to consistently deliver your envisioned experience for the client.When you map it out step by step and contact point by contact point, it can really open your eyes to opportunity.
Little Improvements Can Make a Difference
A little difference can make all the difference between customers telling their friends and family or not. Learn from your own buying experiences. Look for ideas from other businesses of what you liked and didn’t like, then put it into practice in your business. You can create market demand by improving your customer’s experience.
This is just another example of the kinds of things you will learn in the NxLevel Entrepreneur Course.
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